February 18, 2011

Supercharge Metabolisme! : Part 1.3

Part 1: Get Moving

3. Put some muscle behind it.

Too many women steer clear of weight machines, fearing that they'll bulk up. Or they work only their legs and skip their arms.

Don't make this mistake. A head-to-toe strength routine will turbocharge your calorie-blasting quotient. Add five pounds of muscle to your body and you can zap as many as 600 calories an hour during your workout, Olson says.

Be sure to choose a weight-lifting routine that targets your core, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders; challenging numerous muscles will help your body function like a calorie-burning machine, according to Goldsmith.

Yoa : Hah..dengor tu. Senam dari ujung rambut ke ibu jari kaki nun tau!

Oooo..weight lifting penting eh? Ni nak kena beli dumbbell nih. Agak guna batu lesung bole ke?? Huhuhuuuu.. Angkat Misz Nina jel ah..dia pon da 8kilo. Ibu..***pensan***

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